The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

539 Leader Corrections Post-Delegation



 Delegation is a perfect tool.  It is always in pristine condition because it stays on the shelf and gathers dust there, rather than getting dinged and banged around through robust application by leaders.  Why is that?  Fear is the biggest driver, followed by poor time management.  The accountability sits with the boss, no matter what delegation has been taking place.  If one of the team screw up the delegation, they don’t get hammered from above, because the boss is the target for not running the team properly.  No excuses allowed about , “well I delegated it to Kei so that he could develop his capabilities and start priming him for a future leadership role”.  The big bosses hold you responsible and that fear of losing control and being at the mercy of a subordinate’s mistake, convinces risk averse bosses that delegation is a non-starter. The time management issue is another blocker.  To delegate properly, the boss needs to instruct the subordinate on what they need to do and discuss with them how to approac