Dan Dan The Art Man

Videogame Memories 08 | Nathan Lowell



Videogame Memories # 8 GUEST BLOG POST by Nathan Lowell Hey everybody, the post for today will be a little different. Nathan Lowell, my favorite podcast novelist, was kind enough to share his video game memories via his daily podcast #TOMMW (Talking On My Morning Walk). Everyday he goes for a 2 mile walk, and records his thoughts for the day on the second half of that walk. Today he talked about his video game memories. Enjoy. Nathan Lowell is the author and podcaster of several novels. His books can be found on Podiobooks.com and now on Amazon.com as well selling eBooks. He is with Ridan Publishing now and has been able to make a great living selling eBooks. You can learn more about him at http://www.nathanlowell.org/ Download the .mp3