St. John's Denver Audio

Love is what God is



Love is a war of motivation, discrepancy, and duplicity. The love of Jesus will come again to bring restoration and to rescue and renew us.Transcript:So grateful to be able to continue in first John with us together and we just going through it we're seeing a lot about love uh different dimensions of love we hear so much about love through our culture do we not but yet scripture has a a lot to say about what it looks like and what we can do to live it out as people who have been loved. As I was preparing this week I was thinking about there was this time where my she's now 14 she's getting older my daughter she loves to walk around the house with her phone on and the music at full volume full blast and don't worry I got permission she's on one of the cameras right now but shejust said hey whatever stories you want to tell it's fine so now I have a ton of Leila stories to tell you um but nevertheless like her phone is just blasting and so I just come up to her and I'm like Leila you know how when you get in th