Christ Covenant Church

Preaching Out Of Season - Part 1



(2Ti 4:2; 1Ti 4:7) = Controversial topics addressed and their silly myths put to rest. 1. God has a limited knowledge of the future.How can God be all knowing (omniscient) and yet not know every aspect of the future?1.1. The Bible never communicates that God is all knowing (omniscient) in the sense that He knows all aspects of the future. Instead, the Bible teaches that God possesses perfect knowledge and wisdom in relation to the past and present. This includes the present state of every person’s heart which means God also knows every person’s next decision since the present state of our heart is the determining factor in what we do next (e.g. Mat 12:34 w/Jam 3:2). That however is very different from saying that God knows every aspect of the future. Never does the Bible communicate that God knows such things. Instead the Bible communicates that:1.1.1. God is responding/reacting to our present actions/decisions and doesn’t know with certainty much beyond that (Jer 18:7-10; Exo 13:17; Isa 63:7-10; Jer 3:6-7, 1