Christ Covenant Church

The Importance Of Pursuing Knowledge For The Christian



1. God made growing in knowledge necessary to possessing wisdom (i.e., the ability to make right choices and desire the right things). No one was ever wise who was also not growing in knowledge (Pro 2:6). 2. Wisdom (which again requires growing in knowledge) is necessary to salvation (or being and staying saved) and the primary way God interacts or has relationship w/us. IOW: It is not through visual stimuli or emotional manipulation but the dissemination of knowledge. Hence the reason God didn’t give us pictures or feelings as the means to helping us get through this life and into heaven. He instead gave us a book filled with knowledge (i.e., the Bible) (2Ti 3:15-16; Col 2:3-4 “in whom” = In Jesus’ book [Joh 1:1]; Hence Jer 9:23-24). 3. Neglecting your own personal growth in knowledge (especially that found in God’s Word) will not only cause you to be a fool (become stupid), but guarantee a life filled with unnecessary hardship and calamity (Pro 1:20-28). 4. Hating knowledge (or refusing to continue to pursu