Christ Covenant Church




Our launch of NEWPRO – as well as all the things that have transpired around that ministry – including those who first began attacking us, has led to a plethora of accusations against our church. Most specifically against me (pastor), but also you (the congregation) since when they attack me (as a false teacher), they are also saying something about you (e.g., you are incompetent, mindless lemmings, suffering from a strange version of Stockholm syndrome). Such accusations are meant to cause alarm, to trigger doubt in the mind – or even feelings of panic. Like the most recent Deepfake stunts that have crippled some of our banks and businesses, these attacks against our church are meant to make you think that something is now wrong (when in reality nothing has changed), that the foundation is rotten (when in reality it is as rock solid as ever). It is the manipulation of Satan, the “accuser of the brethren”, a powerful tool that has destroyed many lives over the course of human history. It is in fact, where thi