Pagan-musings Podcast Channel

Lavender Hill #157: Russ Roberts & Chris Chapek



As KZUM celebrates 36 years on the air in Lincoln, NE, Lavender Hill also celebrates 3 years at KZUM. Corwin and Phil are thrilled that the show has been on for three years now and are looking forward to another three years (and much more) at KZUM. KZUM combined their 36 anniversary week with their Spring pledge drive. It is not too late to make a pledge to KZUM. You can do so online by clicking the donate button on the station's website or by calling KZUM during business hours at 402-474-5086 (see website for hours). Please note online or in our call that you are donating in Lavender Hill's name. To help celebrate 3 years on the air, Russ Roberts of Plymouth Pride Fellowship, the LGBTQIAA church group associated with 1st Plymouth in Lincoln, NE and Chris Chapek, politcal consultant to Nebraska State Sentator Danielle Conrad, visited with your hosts. Russ came to talk about PPF's potluck, politics and updates dinner on Sunday 23 February 2014. He also introduced Corwin and Phil to Chris. Chris visted to disc