Pagan-musings Podcast Channel

PWN 2015.10.4: Season of Change



It is indeed a season for change. Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are seeing the leaves change color and fall from the trees while our friends South of the Equator are seeing new buds and sprouts appear. Seasons change, the news changes - sort of. We can see that things are changing in some parts of the world, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. Canada has a new Prime Minister who is way left of the old; Obama decides to keep US troops on the ground in Iraq; and the roller coaster that is the 2016 Presidential campaign season sees changes in the mix. Tune in for these topics and more on this edition of the Pagan Weekly News as KaliSara and RevKess share their unique Pagan perspectives on these and other topics in the news. Plus, KaliSara's ever popular News in a Flash.