Pagan-musings Podcast Channel

PMP: Rayne Anna Storm & Rowan Moss - Teaching Paganism



Rayne Anna Storm is a new-age children's author, illustrator, and Earth-based Spiritualist with Yggdrasil Roots (ESYR). She has recently authored Yggdrasil and the Nine Worlds: In the Beginning, a study guide for the ESYR (Earth-based Spiritualism with Yggdrasil Roots) system. Rowan Moss is the author of the Pagan Children Learning Series, which is meant to open up communication between pagan parents and their children about their beliefs. Join RevKess & KaliSara to talk with Rayne, Amber and Rowan about various ways of teaching Pagan paths. We will also be talking with T.S. Lamb, the illustrator for the Pagan Children Learning Series, and we may be joined by our long-time friend, Kyrja! T.S. Lamb creates custom art for the special occasions of life, Pinups, Graphic Design and fantasy art. You can find her online or on Facebook.