Jane Hamill | Podcast

What to Do for Black Friday (Fashion, Jewelry, and Accessories Designers)



Not sure what to offer for Black Friday? If you're stressing about what to offer for BFCM, today's your lucky day. You’ve probably tried the usual things – take 25% off site wide blah blah blah. Nothing wrong with that - especially if it's worked for you in the past. But - site wide offers usually do NOT convert as well as soecific offers.  ANd let's face it, your customers are seeing MAJOR deals from everry other company and a site wide discount is kind of a snore to them. There's a strategy that works better.  Mystery bundles. Mystery packs, Mystery bafs - whatever you want to call it. They ate working like crazy! Today's episode includes a video with a ton of examples of EXACTLY what I'm teaching my private clients this week. If you can, hop over to this link to see the vudeo version and see the step-by=step strategy.  WATCH THE VIDEO TO SEE THE EXAMPLES: https://fashionbrainacademy.com/bfcm