Jane Hamill | Podcast

Q4: Are You Freaking Out Yet?



"Q4 is freaking me out. There’s so much to do and I don’t want work myself to death like I did last year at this time. Advice?” Many of my clients are getting a little freaked out right now so I put together 3 main things to focus on for 4th quarter. To goal is to help you get those sales for the Holiday season WITHOUT hustling yourself into exhaustion.  We'll cover:  the 2 email flows to "fix" quickly that will make you steady money  email list building to do now - before the Holiday rush making more money without working harder in Q4 evergreen marketing strategies that you can set up once and work on autopilot product planning for next year - how to make sure things will sell the "Super Strategy" that will get you email subscribers, product testing, UGC, customer reviews, anad testimonials - AMAZEBALLS I will be teaching you the Super Strategy in a new workshop coming soon! It works better than anything I have ever seen & you can get notified by signing up here:  https://fashionbrainacademy.com/