The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

537 Power Models For Leaders



There is no one way to lead, but there are different perspectives on how to lead.  We might need a certain variety in one environment, but a different model in another ecosystem.  Often the danger is dragging the same model around with us which worked well in one locale and trying to slam the square peg into the round hole at the new shop.  I have tried that by the way and it didn’t go very well, so I don’t recommend it. Let’s look at five power varieties to stimulate our thinking about whether we have the right set up in our current situation. 1.    Authority Power We have been given the mandate to lead and we are accountable for the results.  None of the team were asked their approval for us to be their boss and here we are ready to do our job, as we define it, in the way we want to do it.  As the leader, we require the staff to do what we tell them and by accepting the salary, they have agreed to do it or they can leave.  We are pulling rank on everyone and using the machines muscle, to get compliance wit