Eternity Church Podcast

Episode 153: October 8, 2023 - 2023-10-08-Installation of Pastor Brett Deal and Celebrating What The Lord Has Done



One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in John’s Gospel. In the second chapter, Jesus and His disciples were busy doing the important work of ministry. But here’s the catch. The way Jesus viewed ministry doesn’t always line up with what we think it should look like. How often when thinking about Jesus’ ministry have you consider John 2 as a perfect example?  In the first twelve verses we learn that Jesus and His disciples were invited to a party. And they showed up! And this wasn’t just a fancy brunch or a one-night festival. This was a multi-day event surrounding the celebration of a wedding. When we imagine Jesus and His disciples, most of the time we are more comfortable imagining them busy doing the ministry of healing the sick, raising the dead and sitting around looking serious. But on the third day of this wedding, Jesus is asked if he can help the keep the party going! As we’ve been on our pilgrimage through the first letter of John, it helps to see the life of the author in context. The Joh