Goddessceremony Podcast Featuring Cassandra Wilder

Why Gallbladder Health Matters for Hormones with Olivia Haas



Most of us never think about our gallbladders… until something is suddenly wrong! Maybe your doctor has suggested removing it or maybe you had an emergency surgery. Or… you may be eager to learn more about your gallbladder for preventative reasons. I’m so excited about this conversation with The Gallbladder Nutritionist Olivia Haas   Jubilance is the leading evidence-based, scientific approach to PMS relief and it’s what thousands of women are raving about! Go to https://jubilance.com/cyclical/ and get $10 off. Plus enjoy free shipping and a money back guarantee!   In this episode we talk about: What the gallbladder is and why it matters What are signs of a gallbladder issue How do doctors usually detect gallbladder problems Root causes to consider with any gallbladder issue What’s the deal with supplements like ox bile What do people need to know who have had their gallbladder removed And so much more