History Of Westeros (game Of Thrones)

Valar Rereadis: Fire & Blood - The Field of Fire



The largest army Westeros has ever seen vs. Vhagar, Meraxes and Balerion - the only time the three fought together. It's shock and awe with dragons... but it's not the battle that we consider the best part of this story. He wasn't taking on a hated tyrant, rather quite the opposite. The Gardeners were the most famous family in Westeros, and the Lannisters had a castle even Balerion couldn't melt. Aegon had to be ruthless and delicate at the same time. Use code 50westeros at https://www.hellofresh.com/50westeros for 50% off plus free shipping! Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com Nina: goodqueenaly.tumblr.com Sean's YouTube: bit.ly/3818H9X www.historyofwesteros.com