Kerry Ruff

HOW P C T - SAVED MY LIFE: A True Story.



HOW PHYSICAL COMMUNICATION SAVED MY LIFE: A True Story. In this gripping episode, we dive deep into the remarkable world of Physical Communication Technology and its transformative impact on lives across the globe. Our host recounts a harrowing personal experience where this cutting-edge tech was the crucial difference between life and death. We'll explore the intricacies of how this technology operates, the brains behind its innovation, and the countless stories of individuals who owe their safety, and in some cases, their very lives to it. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a lover of survival tales, or someone intrigued by the fusion of humanity and innovation, this is one story you won't want to miss. Kerry Ruff American author, professional speaker, life, and business strategist. He can be reached at ⁠ /.⁠  Pioneering the landscape of professional development, Kerry Ruff introduces a game-like style approach. Combining visionary leadership and effective con