The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

How To Truly Understand Quickly WHY Your Prospects Buy | Eric Goodman - 1711



If you don't understand why people buy, you may want to kiss your career as a sales rep goodbye. Also, if you're having difficulty connecting with your prospects, you may not be able to reach your monthly goals either. Luckily, your host, Donald Kelly, spoke with the perfect guest to help you understand your prospects better. In this episode, Donald interviews Eric, a business strategist and coach, about understanding the reasons behind customer buying decisions and how to improve sales conversion rates.  Eric introduces the BANK framework, an innovative tool that helps salespeople connect with customers more deeply by understanding their personality types and values. This episode explores the importance of understanding customer buying behavior and provides practical strategies for sales success. Understanding Customer Buying Behavior Eric highlights the need to go beyond traditional sales techniques and understand customers' underlying motivations. Salespeople often deliver the same pitch; some cus