Pavement Ends Ministry

The One Who Gave The Most



The Pavement Ends Ministry podcast is now one year old. The records show that in the past year the reach of the P.E.M. podcast has topped 10,000. I want to thank everyone who has subscribed to, downloaded or streamed the podcast. The goal of this podcast is always to give simple messages of hope and encouragement. My reward is simply knowing that God can use this podcast to touch the lives of people I may never meet. I have no way of knowing who is listening nor is that important. However I know that it is possible for the P.E.M. podcast to be heard anywhere that the internet can go. For this reason I wish to ask a favor of you. If you have listened to the podcast would you please let me know where you are listening from? Just send me message saying something like, " I am listening from------". You can post to the Pavement Ends Ministry Facebook page, find me on LinkedIn or email me at Thank you, please keep listening and tell your friends about The Pavement Ends Ministry podcast.To God be the glory.Douglas HuffFrom Down Where The Pavement Ends