Network Marketing 2.0 With Ola Tux Abitogun

14 Excuses Why 90% of Millionaires Swear by this Property Investment Method!



If you have your eyes set on mastering the art of property investment and diving into the top 1%, you have come to the right place. Investing in real estate is like crafting fine art, and the best artists have their own set of secret brushes and techniques.   --> READ THE BLOG POST HERE   --> WATCH VIDEO VERSION HERE   Today, we are here to share those brushes with you. Firstly… Knowledge is Not the Key: Applied knowledge is the key. Experience is the key.  Acquiring experience (and not acquired experience) is the key. Successful property investors don't just dip their toes into the market; they dive in headfirst.  They don't wait until they are armed with a wealth of knowledge, but they also tend to leverage the power of mentorship.  Make it your mission to become a real estate connoisseur. Align yourself with a mentor who has experience as you start acquiring experience and not just immersing yourself in endless bo