Ruach Breath Of Life

Deliver Us In Our Inmost Being



Music: From the Oboe Concerto by Cimarosa Musicians: Thomas Herzog, (oboe) Francis Cummings, Suzanne Herzog, Chian Lewis Lim, Corinne Frost, Jo Garcia (strings) Cleanse our inmost desires. Help us to love what You love and to hate the ways by which evil appeals to our senses. Straighten out our muddled longings, Lord – especially those which would make us quest after things which in reality would do us a great deal of harm. Lord, deliver us from evil. May humility, truth and love safeguard us from the evil one. When I see someone who is so much more obviously blessed and gifted than I am, help me not to feel rejected or passed over. Keep me from the sharp pangs of jealousy and envy. I hand these feelings to You now. Lord, deliver us from the power of envy and rejection. Release my heart to weep with those who weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice.