Ruach Breath Of Life

Encounter: Break Through O Lord In Our Land



Music: A beautiful piece that Richard Williamson originally improvised, followed by further improvisations Musicians: Julian Chang (viola soloist) Julia Herzog, Shirley Richards, Suzanne Herzog, (strings), James Horsfall (keyboard) Forgive us, Lord, that we are the generation that believes in our disbelief. There is no limit to the depravity that we have fallen into, Lord, or to the cynicism we have embraced. Are You not right when You decree your judgement against a land that has enthroned ways contrary to Your laws? Yet just as we have experienced Your mercy in our own lives, so we dare to pray that You will look with favour, even now, on our land. Be not a passing stranger or an unwelcome guest, but come as the Bright Morning Star, as the ruler and leader of Your people, and the Saviour of the Land. High King of Heaven Remember not what we have done, Nor all we deserve, But for Your own name’s sake Renew and restore Your people. Send a fresh wave of Your Spirit, And raise up Your co-workers to rebui