Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Doing What's Right For You



The whole point of training is to get better at the stuff that really matters to you. But how do you actually structure your training to do that?The truth is that most people's workouts aren't all that aligned with what they actually care about. Maybe they used to be but as their personal priorities changed, momentum kept their workouts pretty much the same. Or maybe they're following a system some "expert" made that worked really well for the expert but isn't actually optimized for their goals.In this episode, GMB Head Coach Ryan Hurst is joined by Mercedes Pollmeier, certified GMB Trainer and founder of ModusAthletica, to help you make sure your training is supporting your real life, and not the other way around. They'll show you how aligning your training with your goals, values, and identity leads to better results with less stress.Episode transcript and additional notesSupport the show