

Richard Murray has had one of the most decorated triathlon careers - double World Junior duathlon champion, double African Triathlon champion, multiple ITU World Series event winner, Commonwealth Games Bronze medalist, and 4th place at the Olympic games in 2016. However, 8 weeks before the 2020 Olympics (in summer 2021), things changed in an instant for Richard during a swim session where he could feel things were not right, with his heart racing and beating erratically during his warm up. He was taken immediately to hospital and subsequently diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, a condition where the heart loses it’s ability to regulate how fast it beats. He underwent heart surgery in an attempt to cure the condition and be ready in time for the Olympics. This is Richard’s story, in his own words for the first time, of recovering from cardiac care and his return to health and racing. Sponsors This show is brought to you by Precision Fuel & Hydration, who have a range of t