Nothing Off Limits

Belle Star On How To Discover and Use Your Gifts



Belle Star, Master Life Coach, Aura Reader and Psychic, joins NOL this week to explain how she helps people find and use their unique gifts and to make a difference in the world by embracing their soul passions. I met Belle at a conference several months ago, and I experienced having my aura read first hand.  It was a very eye-opening reading, and it gave me some useful tools to take away and apply in my life.  Belle explains further how knowing and understanding your aura can help you dance with life circumstances more effectively. Some items we discuss: Belle's journey to becoming a life coach How aura readings work and why they are an effective tool for her coaching How to discern a "swan" from a "duck" and how this ties in with discovering your gifts How to reconnect with your soul and your true passions through coaching with her ...and more. Visit her website to get your coaching session today at