Sideshow With Mel & Shana

Red Shirts & Lesbian Kisses



If you like what you hear and have stories to tell us or just want to make a suggestion for our next episode, email us at: Visit our Facebook page at: Hey there! Are you obsessed with a TV show that you just can’t get enough of? Do you ever wonder where your obsession for TV comes from? Mel and Shana talk about where their TV obsessions come from in this episode. Starting at a very young age, these two have been watching the old boob tube since exiting the womb. What’s YOUR favorite show from when you were little? From Mork & Mindy to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the gals talk about the shows that shaped who they are today. Follow us on Instagram at: Follow us on Twitter at: And become a Patreon donor for access to exclusive content not available on any other platform! To become a donor go to: