
FreshEd #80 - What are Intercultural Competencies? (Darla Deardorff)



FreshEd has over 300 episodes in its archive. For the next few weeks, we'll air some of our favourites. -- Today we talk about intercultural competencies. These are the attitudes, skills, and knowledge that enable people to see from different perspectives, helping us get along together as humans. These competencies seem particularly relevant in our current political climate. My guest is Darla Deardorff. She has spent the past decade thinking about intercultural competencies. What are? Can scholars agree on a common framework? And is it possible to measure them? For Darla, intercultural competencies are as vital as math and science for education. Darla Deardorff is the Executive Director of the Association of International Education Administrators at Duke University. Her latest co-edited book, Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Approaches, assessment, application, was published by Routledge. Citation: Deardorff, Darla, interview with Will Brehm, FreshEd, 80, podcast audio, July 3