Podcast Talent Coach

Grow Your Visibility – PTC 460



I've been receiving a lot of questions lately from listeners like you at coach at podcast talent coach dot com. So this week we are going to answer questions about dedicating time, who pays your fee, and how to increase your visibility. We are currently in the middle of nowhere at a cabin in Vermont. Luckily the cabin has wi-fi, because there is no cell service up here. A client joined me for a coaching call on Zoom yesterday. She is struggling to get clients into her group coaching program. There are currently 6 episodes of her podcast published. And she has a small email list. However, she has a list of about 24 people who have had a free introduction call with her over the last few months. She also has another list of 25 or 30 who had an introduction call earlier this year. She wants to send an email to the entire group and let them know she is starting another round of her group coaching program. Then she would invite them to a group intro call. It won't work. I told her nobody wants to come to a sales pi