Doctor Who: The Alhambra Podcast

EP 296: HUGE Big Finish Gossip/News and BF Reviews for August 2023!



Welcome to The Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, with real Doctor Who fans, sharing their real Doctor Who opinions. Discussing but not limited to new and classic Doctor Who, Big Finish audios, latest DW and BF news, and much more! In this podcast, Brett, Legeon and Liam, discuss some news and gossip about Big Finish as a whole as well as future releases and range cancellations. Besides other ramblings and tomfoolery, we review the Big Finish releases for the month of August 2023. Thank you for listening and downloading!  In This Episode.... Introduction and Synopsis for Episode 296 - 00:00:00 Whooverville News and Gossip - 00:02:44 Subcription Model coming to Big Finish? - 00:03:50 Tom Baker Recordings - 00:19:03 War Doctor Cancellation - 00:19:33 Obligatory Ruth Doctor & Timeless Child Talk - 00:33:08 Endings and Returnings to Doctor Who - 00:46:38 Silliness from Facebook Fans - 00:53:58 August Release Roll Call - 00:59:31 Sixth Doctor: Purity Unbound - 01:03:13 Once and Future: Two's Company - 01:15:40 Pa