Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG343 Seth Cerrate and Patrick Bayley talk about their brand new collective: YEA MAN SPA GLOBAL.



A banner day for Dr. Lisa! I got to talk with two hot young guys, Seth Cerrate and Patrick Bayley about their brand new collective Yea Man Spa Global which did a project that solicited sex stories in public, set up a warren of office cubicles and then encouraged fair goers to answer the phones and Surprise! It was such a blast talking to these guys about their (only a month old!) art collective and how they hit the ground running from Day 1 and how they see their future. Bright! I have never heard of a collective that seems so all-in tight. Maybe that’s because they all met while working service jobs at an illegal café together. I’m going to let this excerpt from NEW YORK POST explain why Yea Man Spa Global ahit was right out of the gate at the recent SPRING/BREAK Art Fair… “Sex stories the focus of new Midtown exhibit that says ‘f—k you’ to art world… "F--k Stories" exhibit at the Spring/Break Art Show features raunchy stories told through red telephones. “F—k Stories” is the inaugural work from Yea Man Spa