

"If you have a good way to do things and everybody in your organization does it, you're going to get more business because people are going to love you because it's very consistent." - Lee Cockerell Training without enforcement is like building a grand castle on a weak foundation—it simply won't hold up. Jody and I have a great conversation on the importance of enforcing your training and creating a lasting impact in your business. Organizations should understand the significance of tying together the three pillars of success: training, testing, and, of course, enforcement. Bill Marriott taught me invaluable lessons during my time at Marriott. He emphasized that excellence can only be achieved through training, education, and enforcement. To be clear, enforcement doesn't mean being harsh or oppressive. It’s about instilling discipline and accountability. During our conversation Jody and I also touch upon the essential role of enforcement in maintaining brand consistency and building trust. Brands like Chick-