Your Virtual Upline Podcast

382: Getting New Team Members Started the Right Way



Today I’m talking about onboarding new consultants, and I’m giving you some important advice and specific things you must do the moment someone signs into your business to really increase the chances of them having success. When you think about onboarding, ask yourself if you’re leading or if you’re just teaching. Make some simple shifts, and watch what it does for your results!  If you haven’t had a chance to grab your seat yet, our upcoming two-day workshop, From Likes to Leads: Transforming Social Media Engagement Into Sales, is happening on September 27th and 28th! I believe that this is one of the most important workshops we have ever done, for so many reasons, and you can register now at!  Listen to Learn 3:04 - Why measuring the emotional buy-in and commitment of each new member is something you need to be doing as a leader 6:34 - How to begin getting people to take action and the reasons that this is critical to their success  8:00 - The ways in which assigning t