

"Be self aware enough to realize you are an introvert or extrovert and know how that could be perceived" - Lee Cockerell Introverts and extroverts are wired differently. The differences are often noticeable in both our personal life and in our professional roles. Recently I told Jody that we need to talk about introversion. So we recorded an episode on how it can be perceived in the professional world. As someone who identifies as an introvert, I understand the challenges and misconceptions that can often come from this personality trait. During the conversation, we talk about the fact that being introverted does not necessarily equate to being shy or lacking confidence. I shared personal experiences of my own introversion and how it initially hindered my ability to speak up and share my opinions. However, through exposure, experience, and building confidence, I learned to adapt and become more comfortable in social and professional settings. One key point that was emphasized is that introverts, like extrover