Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Profitable Business Alchemy: Timing And Seasonal Strategy For Human Design Generators



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you tired of the hustle and burnout in your business, constantly pushing a profitable business with little success? It's time to embrace the wisdom of timing and seasonality in entrepreneurship. Join our masterclass, "Profitable Business Alchemy," and discover the art of aligning your business with the right timing and seasons for success. This show is specific for you Generator and Manifesting Generator energy types. In this transformative Big Fat Lies Show, we'll explore how to: * Unlock Seasonal Insights: Learn to recognize the natural rhythms of your business and understand when it's primed for growth, rest, or expansion.
 * Embrace Profitable Patience: Discover why pushing your business too hard can be counterproductive, and how patience and strategic timing can lead to lasting profitability.
 * Tailor Your Services: Understand why your business may not resonate with certain clients or services at certain times, and how to adjust your offerings for maximum imp