Maximize Your Social With Neal Schaffer

Rediscover the Power of Email Marketing: Nurturing Customer Relationships and Maximizing Profits



This episode is another preview of content that will be included in my upcoming book.Two episodes ago I requested that you rethink your social media marketing with the role of user-generated content in mind.This episode I want you to rethink the role that email marketing can have in developing communication pathways and ultimately relationships of business value.Ever thought about the untapped power of email marketing? Buckle up, because in this episode, we're blowing the lid off the incredible potency that rests in your inbox. That's right, email marketing isn't just alive and kicking; it's a heavy hitter, 40 times more potent in snagging you new customers than social media.We're not just talking about mere promotional tools. We're diving into relationship-building resources. How, you ask? By focusing on consistent communication, lead magnets, content creation, and the art of nurturing the customer journey. The cherry on top? An overview of welcome emails and lead nurture sequen