

It’s not unusual for a podcaster to rebrand and head in a new direction after podcasting for a while. The big questions in this transition are around the logistics of the rebranding process. Today’s session is a coaching call with a member of our Healthcasters Podcasting Course who is unsure about the best way to handle this big transition. Join us as we talk it out and figure out her best next steps!Our Featured Guest for Today’s Coaching Call:Marie Vakakis, MA, AMHSWMarie Vakakis is the founder of The Therapy Hub, and she’s a group practice owner who lives in Australia. She has been doing her podcast, Inside Social Work, for about five years, but she’s decided to rebrand to reach a bigger audience. We will discuss whether she should start a whole new podcast since she has chosen to go in a different direction. We’ll also talk about monetization strategies around podcasting and lining up specific episodes with paid endeavors, such as speaking engagements and online courses. I think you’ll enjoy this look at