Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The Seventh Age of the Church – TS Wright pt 3



The Seventh Age of the Church TS Wright pt 3 The Book of the Revelation, for some, bring ominous warnings and invokes fear. For believers, the opposite is true (at least for true believers…). The hope that the soon return of Jesus is about to happen!  We can see signs from the Book of the Revelation all around us today. We are living what the Bible depicts as the “end of days.” We are living it!  Right now! As I said, for believers – we should be getting excited!  We also need to get busy! We need to be witnessing like never before! We need to sound the alarm as never before! We need to be warning everyone that the “end is near!” Now, I would not go as far as to hold up a sign that says that on a city street corner (unless that is what he Lord has told you to do) – but we should be sharing the Gospel and relating it to end time events in an effort to show the world that the Bible is true and we are about to witness something spectacular! Well, Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us ab