Sun Happens

Fostering Purpose After Being Failed by the Foster Care System with MissLisaPisa



Lisa lived in 36 foster care homes growing up. She faced physical, mental, and emotional abuse for years. To add, she aged out of the system at 18 and became homeless. 1 in 4 people who age out of the foster care system end up homeless, and Lisa wants the world to know. This is the reality of the system she grew up in. In spite of all she went through, she joined the military, became a helicopter mechanic, and in her free time, she's fighting to bring awareness to the flawed foster care systems (Foster Care is regulated at the state level). If you want to make a difference, find out what your state is doing.  In spite of everything, and everyone, she is creating the life she has always deserved. When in doubt, always be a Lisa. Find her on TikTok/Instagram at MissLisaPisa.  & Remember, Sun Happens. When you can't find it, create it.