Sun Happens

A Healthy Adult Relationship - What's that like?



A VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL. The one day out of the year where we take a break from divorce to talk about true love. These two are my best friends... and SURPRISE!!! They're getting MARRIED!!!  James and Sissy, a match made in heaven (LITERALLY), sit down and talk with me about what a happy, healthy, relationship looks like. I know, what's that like. lolol Please join three best friends for a round table conversation about romantic love with a whole lot of laughter. BUT, why does this matter? Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear, after all. These two reminded me that love is out there. Patient, generous, kind, compassionate, laugh until we cry kind of love. Maybe you needed that reminder, too. Cheers to growth, friends.  Be sure to follow the host Marissa on Instagram/TikTok @TheMarissaBaker and @SunHappensOfficial  Lastly, make sure you never miss what happening by subscribing to Sun Happens Email list at & Remember, Sun Happens. When you can't find it, create it.