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When You Need a 3rd Party Attribution Tool With Austin Harrison



Ralph engages in a deep conversation with Austin Harrison about the complexities of channel spending and its ripple effects on revenue. Austin, sheds light on the intriguing relationship between advertising on platforms like TikTok and the subsequent revenue on Amazon. Together, they navigate the challenges mid-market companies face during aggressive growth phases and demystify the world of media mix modeling and third-party attribution. Tune in for a masterclass on optimizing multi-channel strategies and achieving business success in the digital age.Chapters:00:00:00 - Diving into Multi-Channel Strategies with Austin Harrison00:03:28 - Evaluating Advertising Impact: Tools & Metrics Beyond the Platform00:07:05 - Scaling Ambitions: Transitioning Business Owners to the Next Phase00:10:06 - Harnessing North Beam: Efficient Marketing Approaches00:12:27 - Fine-Tuning Campaigns for Optimal Growth and ROI00:17:38 - Perfecting the Marketing Symphony: Media Mix Essentials00:20:15 - Navigating Mid-Market Growth Hur