Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 542: Spiritual Practices and Movement for Healing with KC Baker



KC Baker is someone I have known for over a decade in the online spaces, and I have always admired her work. So I am thrilled to introduce you to her and her wisdom in this week’s episode! Together we discuss how to cultivate the internal safety and freedom to speak up authentically in your personal and professional lives. KC also shares several spiritual practices to help get connected (or re-connected) with oneself and the world in which we live.  KC Baker is the founder of WomenSpeak and has been a pioneer for the last 14 years in bringing a feminine approach to public speaking and leadership training with her unique embodiment and nervous system rewiring practices.  Featured Topics:  KC’s TED Talk Voice: A Love Story and how she came to do the work she does today (4:30) Tantra practices: what they are and how KC uses them in her work with women speakers. “Tantra it really is about exploring through living fully and fully being alive in the body.”  (11:24) What it means for women to connect with their D