Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 548: Resilience, Career Growth, and Burnout with Danielle Cobo



Today we are talking about how to cultivate grit and resilience with Danielle Cobo. Fittingly, Danielle is a career coach who works with organizations to develop the grit, resilience, and courage to thrive in a rapidly changing market. In this episode we also talk about proactively preventing burnout, how to accelerate your career, and how to turn life challenges into purpose and growth. Danielle is just delightful and I hope you love this conversation as much as I did.  Featured topics: How to identify stress triggers and take proactive steps to prevent burnout (5:39) Danielle answers, “Are you born with grit? If not, how can you cultivate it?” (9:03) Fixed mindset vs growth mindset: what it is and how it plays out in our lives(13:03) What is your X Factor? What excites you? How can you redefine success on your own terms? (23:03) Advice for women who want to accelerate their careers (23:54) An exercise to help cultivate resilience (32:33) “The person you are today is because of what you’ve overcome.”