Axe Of The Blood God: Usgamer's Official Rpg Podcast

E3 is Kaput! For Realsies this Time! And Tears of the Kingdom Talk w/ Reb Valentine



Ding, dong, E3 is dead. Which E3? We don't know. The once world-famous video game trade show has endured so many trials and tribulations, it's hard to way which iteration is getting axed. Let's just say E3 2023 was supposed to be the show's big comeback, and it's getting cancelled instead. Kat, Nadia, Eric, and Reb are all E3 veterans, so they find lots to chew over here. What hobbled this year's show? What's next for the E3 brand, if anything? Which RPGs were bolstered by E3 hype back in the olden days? Also in this episode: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom looks "hype af," as the kids say. When you fish with Dredge, you fish with Satan. When you Slay the Princess, you also fish with Satan. We have our new Pantheon game! Which Zelda title are we playing this month? Happy [Japanese] Anniversary, FFVI! Do you name your RPG characters? And if not, what's wrong with you? Music used in this episode: Do Your Best! [Breath of Fire III] Torn from the Heavens [Final Fantasy XIV] A Curious Tale [Secret of Mana]