Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Go Carnivore... For A While!



Hopefully you’ve heard by now of the Carnivore Diet!It is very easy to understand; this is part of its charm.  You can’t go wrong- you only eat meat.  For some, like Jordan Peterson and his daugter, you only eat beef, and salt.  (If they don’t, they suffer debilitating autoimmune conditions, and massive depression).  And so, they follow this diet of necessity.  It is kind of, in my mind, an extreme paleo diet.  Kind of an ice age diet, as if you were living during the last ice age, and only animals were available to eat and so survive.  NO plants, or mushrooms… NOTHING.And so, why should you, a fully modern human, with grocery stores and endless foodstuffs available, follow such a restrictive diet??Well, if you have just about any health condition,, like diabetes, or psoriasis, or obesity- you are SURE to improve! Link to Dr. David Unwin on low carb versus diabetesAnd, just to point out- a Carnivore Diet is a NO CARB diet, by definition!!  Not just low, but NO.And