Pure Sex Radio

Making Sense of the Sexual Revolution



How did we get to where we are today when it comes to sexual brokenness, confusion, and outright rebellion against God’s design for sex?In this episode, our guest is Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, who is the founder of the Ruth Institute, an interfaith international coalition to defend the family and build a Civilization of Love. Our conversation was inspired after I read Dr. Morse’s book, The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along. In this book, she provides a timeline that breaks down the sexual revolution into its component parts so that people can better understand how we have reached our current period and respond to it with grace and truth.Dr. Morse shares the three big ideas of the sexual revolution: The Contraceptive Ideology – Society should do everything possible to separate sex and babies. The Divorce Ideology – Society should do everything possible to separate both sex and babies from marriage. The Gender Ideology – Men and women are completely i