Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Digital Responsibility: How Hackers Get Your Data and What You Can Do About It



In an ever-evolving digital landscape, where hackers and spies lurk in the shadows, safeguarding your smartphone has never been more critical.  Cybercriminals are becoming as crafty as cat burglars, slipping through the cracks of our digital defenses, and targeting your most sensitive information. Today, we embark on a journey through the labyrinth of cyber threats, armed with knowledge and a determination to keep your smartphone secure. 1. The Payment Delivery Scam Unmasked Our first destination is the treacherous realm of payment delivery scams, a cunning ploy orchestrated by cybercriminals to compromise your financial security. Imagine a scenario where you've barely made any recent purchases, yet a seemingly trusted supplier insists on updating your credit card information. Sounds suspicious, right? We'll expose the insidious tactics behind this scam and reveal how you can protect yourself. 2. Doxxing: Tracing the Origins and Defending Your Data Next, we delve deep into the unsettling world of doxxing. Whe