Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep041



Episode 41: January 2011… The first podcast of the New Year! Gary begins by telling Gene and the listeners about some of his recent travels, including his first trip to South America, including Argentina! He talks about how the Course is becoming more popular all the time in the countries he and Cindy visit. Gary discusses how the beginning of a new year is a wonderful time to re-commit to one's study of A Course in Miracles, and also mentions his own recent experiences in this regard. Gary asks Gene to discuss his (Gene's) rather severe recent episode of vertigo, which has persisted for several days at the time of this podcast recording. After Gene describes his experiences, Gary addresses the fact that these kinds of physical symptoms can be the direct result of one's spiritual growth and progress, and reads several selections from the Course that directly speak to this kind of phenomena. Gary then announces that Arten and Pursah had just visited him the day before this podcast recording was made! They