Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep052



Episode 52: The "Spirits of Autumn" Podcast – Released in November, this episode was actually recorded before Halloween, which seems appropriate…because some supernatural occurrences will be discussed during the show! But the program begins with Gary recapping his recent tour of Europe, including an ACIM conference in Greece that featured Gary and three other presenters. (Gary says that the best part about participating in conferences is getting to meet people from the ACIM community from all over the world.) His travels also took Gary to Finland and to Paris, one of his favorite cities, which Gary describes as having been "designed by artists." Back stateside, Gary and Cindy visited Berkeley, CA for an ACIM gathering hosted by Cindy's Mom, Doris Lora; Gary mentions that Cindy's sister Jackie is developing a new TV series for the Internet, and Gary speaks about a series of magazine articles he is now writing about the Course. Gary and Gene then both speak about handling the "negative&