Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep054



Episode 54: The "Merry February!" Podcast – If this show has an unexpected "holiday season" flavor to it, that's because it was recorded during the Christmas-New Year period…even though it's now being released in February. This is due to a variety of reasons that we won't go into here…but nevertheless, enjoy the belated Holiday cheer! ~ The program gets underway very quickly with some impromptu discussion of forgiveness, and the challenges often encountered when applying forgiveness to painful worldly events. Gary provides a few quotes from the Course that address the forgiveness process. Gary then talks about his new writing schedule, and about an upcoming trip to China, where both the Course and DU are gaining an enthusiastic following. There's also discussion about the Course's reception in other Asian countries. The conversation turns to the ACIM teaching that "the script is written", and how this applies to what seems like a series of coincidences here in the world—and how i