Resurrection South Austin

Stewards of First Fruits - First Fruits wk 2 - Fr. Shawn McCain



We are in a series called “First Fruits” where we have been rediscovering the generosity of God. “The earth is the Lord’s,” the psalmist tells us, “and everything in it,” all that we have, every last bit, is a gift from God entrusted to our care. So we’ve been asking, what does it mean to be good stewards, caretakers of these gifts from God, “whose good pleasure it is to give us the kingdom.” Last week we talked about the phrase “first fruits,” giving God the first, best, portion of our wealth. We saw that worshipping God with our money and practicing acts of generosity frees up our hearts, so that we can truly lift them up to the Lord. This week the picture of God’s generosity in the book of James gets much bigger. We’re going to see that in Jesus, we have become God’s first fruits, and we’ll ask what it means to be good stewards of this gift? That’s where we are headed, let’s look at our reading in James 1.