Resurrection South Austin

Stewards of Wealth - First Fruits wk 1 - Fr. Shawn McCain



We’re beginning a series titled “First Fruits” where we will be rediscovering the lavish generosity of God. As a young church, we know this personally as we prepare to launch our church, God has given us this beautiful gift of Resurrection South Austin. If you have an imagination for what a “church” really is—that is the Body of Christ in our neighborhood where God is setting things right—you realize that this gift is the first fruit of God’s goodness. If that wasn’t enough, now, you and I are made His stewards of it. Taking all of this in, it’s good for us to ask, how do we steward this gift according to the Lord’s desire? In the next weeks together, we’ll be looking at the different ways we can become good stewards of the gifts of God. To begin, this week, we’re going to explore the phrase “first fruits,” in scripture. We’re going to see that God invites us to prioritize Him in what we value, and ultimately recognize that our wealth is a gift from God that we are responsible to steward well. In other wo